Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Cardinal Direction

Every action starts as an Idea. At the moment you read this the Cardinal Direction is naught but an idea, or rather a framework for an Idea: One Community, moving in the same direction.

One day the Cardinal Direction will be a Strategy.  The roots of the word strategy are Greek; the Strategia was an elected board of ten generals whose duty was to guide Athens’ military/political course. Inherent in that definition is the understanding that while parts of the strategy can be entrusted to individuals the strategy as a whole is a group effort.

Strategy evolved slowly since Sun Tzu penned the first precepts more than 2,000 years ago. Conceptually, it is best defined by Arthur Lykke as the relationship among Ends, Ways and Means. Ends, Means and Ways simply put: What do we want to do? What resources do we have available? How will we git-er-done?

The first question is the most important and drives the success of the effort eventually put forward. What do we want to accomplish? Each citizen, each of you, has a separate and equally valuable perspective of Arlington. Each of you has an Arlington story to tell and each of you has an idea of what Arlington will be.

The success of Arlington’s future depends on consensus. One community, moving in the same direction. Consensus does not mean that everyone agrees on everything, it means that through shared values we can work together towards a bright future.

My wife, Amber, and I believe in Arlington’s future enough to move our family here and devote our efforts to her success. With your help we will establish a strategy, a direction, and move towards that brilliant future.

I invite you to lend a hand in defining the Cardinal Direction and generating new ideas. Join in the Cardinal Dialogue at cardinaldialogue.blogspot.com and email me at jason.m.uphoff@gmail.com. Better yet, tell me in person during the grand opening of the Arlington Community Development Corporation office, at Norgaard Insurance Agency from 5-7pm on September 3rd. Food and drinks will be served.

Right now the Cardinal Direction is just an idea; all it will cost you is what every idea costs … think about it. One community, moving in the same direction. 

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