Hero Tenet #1:
Strive for perfection in one thing, be excellent in all things.
What? Did I just quote Bill & Ted? Yes, yes I did.
But I also paraphrased your Grandmother: "Something worth doing is worth doing right."
Who in turn, stole the quote from this guy: 
Philip Stanhope, 4th Earl of Chesterfield.
The point is this: Find That Thing which defines you, and work to be the best at it. Strive to be the Perfect [insert].
Everything else that is worth your time is worth the best effort you can give it. If it isn't not worth your time, throw it out.
Be the best Mother, Artist, Father, Warrior, Servant, Spouse, Athlete, Leader...
Hero you can be.
he likes hawkeye in the avenger, I really like this video
Cool stuff you have got and you keep update all of us. therobostopper